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Dogs' Dales Augmented Reality Study

Project Manager:

Virpi Kettu - Kettu Studios



Maria Kutar -

AR and Immersive Media Researcher


Rob Eagle -

Immersive Media Lecturer 


Where the study happened:

In Skipton Town Centre 

When the study happened:

May 2022 - Late Summer 2023

Study about the effect of Dogs' Dales AR application 

Learning about leading edge Augmented Reality (AR) technology application in Heritage education, impact on tourism and local community in Skipton. 


Award winning director and digital artist Virpi Kettu of Skipton-based Kettu Studios hosted 35 volunteers aged 5 to 70 to help research the impact and potential of the Dogs' Dales Augmented Reality (AR) app when launched in Skipton in May 2022. 


This was an ideal opportunity for young and older people interested in working in AR or VR, or anyone with an interest in new technology to see how it can be used in storytelling, education, tourism and business.


Dogs’ Dales is:

-    An animated TV series that tells the stories of small towns in the Yorkshire Dales, inspired by local folklore, people and locations

-    AR mobile trail applications throughout the Dales towns relating to the TV series

-    Aimed mainly for children (5-15) and their families

-    For local residents and tourism purposes


It is an entertaining and educational story with a game where characters ask exciting heritage questions formed with the help of Skipton Civic Society to inspire people to know and want to learn more about Skipton and local Dales area. 

It will extend to other towns and villages in the Dales after this first launch.

The the first app trail game and study is in Skipton. 


Kettu Studios study hosted: 

2 volunteer researchers to help shape the research project, for total 5 hours/person

and 35 volunteers for a control group/game testing in the research, for total 2 hours/person 


Project stakeholders are:

Skipton Town Hall 

Skipton Civic Society

Craven District Council (North Yorkshire Council)  

Heritage Action Zone project

Welcome Yorkshire

Skipton Library 

Great Place-Lakes & Dales 


For enquiries please email directly to :

Study Experience and Results

May 2022

June 2022 - August 2022

June 2023

- During the spring 2022 Study Advisors helped Kettu Studios to format the study questionnaire and plan for the timetable and locations for the study volunteers

- Defining the study control group from students of Craven College and Skipton surrounding secondary schools.


- During the end of summer 2022 Study Volunteers helped Kettu Studios in a field study in Skipton Town centre handing out the questionnaires to the tourists and local residents > collecting data about the town centre with the Dogs' Dales AR application 

- Dogs' Dales AR app game test playing with control group

- Collating data from game testing Dogs Dales AR game compared to other available AR experiences in Skipton town centre with questionnaires, show that about 20% like Skipton better after playing the Dogs' Dales AR game and about 9% are more interested in local Heritage and history after playing the Dogs'Dales AR game.  

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